Tyeesha does a personal shout out to her friend Starla Kay Mathis!
Read MoreMorning Inspiration - Ramona J. Smith
When I looked into becoming a freelancer, I was told that it would be three years before I would be able to make a reliable income. Based on how things are going they are right (sigh). While my coloring books do sell well and I do get Freelance jobs, it is 1/10th of what I was making in the office. Everyday I keep track of what my husband makes compared to what I make on a dry erase board. Seeing the hard numerical evidence can be so painful. And there are some nights that I wish I could go back to knowing exactly when my paycheck would show up. On those nights I’m going to watch this video. In three years I want to be proud to say to all my friends that yes, I’m still standing.
Inktober is HERE!!
Aw yeah!! Inktober is here and I am here for it! Now for those of you who don’t know, Inktober is an online art challenge where you post one ink drawing every day for the month of October. It’s a contest to motivate and inspire artists to keep drawing everyday. Not to mention that it’s a challenge to see how much you can improve in 31 days! There is a prompt for this that you can reference here (but I never do the prompts). This year, I am doing African American witchcraft inspired drawings. Hoodoo ( not to be confused with Voodoo) is distinctly African American in origin and is a huge part of our history in the south. Now…I come from a family with 3 baptist pastors so I understand why my mother never told me about this part of our history. However I personally find it fascinating and will be giving you some tid bits that I learn along the way with every drawing that I do!
I will NOT be posting my inktober portfolio on the blog until it is completely finished. Checkout my FB/IG/TUMBLR pages to see the pictures as they are completed throughout the month.
Happy Inking!!